
It's Gift Season!

いよいよクリスマスも近づいてきました。プレゼントの季節ですね。お歳暮やクリスマスギフトにワインはいかがですか? NOQUOIのワイン・セレクションはどれも特徴のある味わいで、それぞれに美味しく楽しめるものを揃えています。お酒を飲まない方にはとっても美味しいオーストラリア産の高級オリーブオイルなどもあります。ラベルもおしゃれでギフトとしてきっと喜ばれると思います。ギフト包装や配送も致しますので、気軽にショップにお立ち寄りください!

Christmas is around the corner, which means it's gifting season! How about a nice bottle of wine? We have a nice selection, each having its own character and great value. All of them are enjoyable for different occasions. We have a selection of top quality extra virgin olive oil from Australia as well for those who may not drink alcohol. With amazing quality and a stylish label, they are sure to be appreciated as a gift. Original gift boxes and wrapping are also available - all ready to be gifted.